Sunday, March 20, 2011

I blog, sure I do!

My 1 post a month is completely overwhelming! How will readers ever keep up? Oh... I don't think I have any :) This is probably a perfect pace!
To be fair, I have been through some pretty hefty upheaval in the past month or so. Two days after my first post here we found a leak in our basement. Not a very big deal, except that we found mold to go with the leak. The big lad and the middle lad having the lungs we do, meant that we hightailed it outta there!
Fast forward a month and a half. I've been living at my Mom's with the kids while the big lad lives with a church couple. Things are looking up though, perhaps we will be back in our house soon!
In the meantime, the change of routine and more "out and aboutness" has been fantastic for the kids and I. It has also made me see some behaviours in lass #1 and the middle lad that I'm not overly thrilled with. Is it ADHD/ADD? I don't know. I go through checklists and it sure sounds like it but we have no official diagnosis. That costs a lot and isn't something I think we'll pursue for now.
What we are going to try is the Feingold program. It doesn't look super easy but it is do-able and if it makes a difference I'm totally for it! I've ordered the package and it should be here soon. While we wait I might start a food diary and see if I can find trigger foods on my own.

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