Sunday, June 5, 2011


It was our churches 125th Anniversary this weekend. Of course we celebrate everything with food. I tried. I really, really, tried. I made hot dog buns and brought our own hot dogs to the BBQ. I brought our own juice. I brought our own chips.
Potluck today. I brought potato salad, egg salad sandwiches and our own juice. I bought our own ice cream for dessert.

I really, really, really tried.

If I could show you a picture of my kitchen table at the moment you'd see pure chaos. Chaos that after 2 months of doing this food thing, I am fully convinced is caused by food.

Chaos caused by the handfulls of ketchup chips (surely that brilliant red is natural colouring) that Jack had yesterday before I realized he was eating them. Chaos caused by the 3 or 4 glasses of orange pop and cream soda that Libby had before I got there. Chaos caused by the cupcakes I gave in and let them have after the BBQ yesterday when I realized I forgot dessert and felt guilty.

So for the next 24 hours or so we will live with chaos. Chaos that convinces us that this program IS working, because we see the results of infractions. Chaos that makes me thankful that I found Feingold because chaos doesn't reign here anymore, it just visits.

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